Arbeitsblatt: G_NW3_U2_vocabulary test plus past tenses


passend zur Unit 2 vom New World 3 eine Vociprüfung. Und noch einen Teil von past simple und past participle forms, die unregelmässig sind. Bilder aus dem Dokument stammen von
7. Schuljahr
2 Seiten




Nadina Willi
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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Textauszüge aus dem Inhalt:

date: name: G: Vocabulary English – NW3 Unit 2 number of points: /38Pt. mark: Signature: 1. Describe how the person in the picture feels. Write 1 adjective. /7 Pt. 2. Fill in the missing word. Use the given letter. /5Pt. GOOD LUCK! Cant you hear me? Are you d_? C_ are friendly animals and love bananas. What is your f_ animal? What the mof that word? only wrote 3.5 in the math exam. am very d_ 3. Write the correct English word into the sentence. /4Pt. 1. You are very arent you? Why do you ask so many questions? (neugierig) 2. Be careful! That dog looks. It is snarling. (aggressiv) 3. My brother is very , he never helps at home. (faul) 4. Animals communicate with Dogs wiggle their tail when they are happy. 4. Translate the words into English. Pt. Gebärdensprache/ Zeichensprache Wissenschaftler /4 Gespräch/Unterhaltung aufgebracht 5. Write down 3 synonyms in English for normalerweise. /3 Pt. 6. Fill in the gaps. /15Pt. Deutsch Infinitive sein be wachsen grow essen eat fight gehen go geben give fliegen Past Simple been grew eaten fought give zeichnen draw fought gone gave flew geben Past participle flown given drew wählen chose chosen schneiden cut cut kommen come come schreiben vergessen write wrote drive drove driven forgot forgotten