Arbeitsblatt: Voci YW 4 Unit 4


6. Schuljahr
2 Seiten




Carmela Landis
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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Vocabulary Test YW 4 Unit 4 Name: Points: /25 Signature: Mark: 1. Fill in the gaps. 1. is much cheaper than hotel for young travellers. 2. When you at hotel you first need to at the reception. 3. At the tourist information they can tell you about all the locals. 4. At the top of the Eiffel Tower you have great ! 5. Chocolate and cheese are specialities from Switzerland. 6. Many children spinach. 7. If you want to climb up the mountains, you will need . 8. Teacher: The result is 52369 km. Mike: have! 9. is person who is showing you place (city) and informing you about it. 10. Sometimes when the sky is clear you can see lot of stars. 11. People from other countries often in Switzerland. They like the lakes and the 12. Its! Two persons died in fire in Zurich. 13. Tina: have good for our next school trip! 14. Officer: Please your last name! Max: Okay, HUNTER. 15. In the hotel you can at the pool after long day. 16. you start test you always write your name first. 17. The part where we live is called. 2. Write down the correct word under each picture. Vocabulary Wordlist Unit 4 – Part 1 at night 6th grader one more question school trip try (vb) role play typical Alps peak tourist attraction dream (of something) go skiing view go hiking arrive (vb) before mountain guide spell (vb) tragedy relax (vb) hate (vb) go walking snorkelling guide paragliding idea bungee jumping youth hostel Central Switzerland check in (vb) GOOD LUCK!!!