Arbeitsblatt: Voci YW 4 Unit 4


6. Schuljahr
2 Seiten




Carmela Landis
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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Vocabulary Test YW 4 Unit 4 Name: Points: /25 Signature: Mark: 1. Fill in the gaps. 1. Shes very talented painter; she won national last month. 2. would go outside than do my homework. 3. Sabina has cute little cat at home. Her best friend also wants. 4. When you cross the border (Grenze) you have to show your. 5. Tanja, are you coming with me to the? need new Tshirts. 6. When you are in another town or country, go to the to find out where you can go. 7. Linda: Good morning, Mr Miller, my name is Linda Murphy. am coming to your hotel next week and have question. Good morning, Ms Murphy.. What do you want to know? 8. These are instructions on how to plan your trip. 9. Every summer we go hiking in the. We absolutely love it! 10. Oh no, that is not my dog, Mr. Smith is its . 11. Its your birthday, so we do together. 12. To find my house, you just have to follow my. 13. When someone has an important test, we. 14. , since yesterday share my office with another employee (Angestellter). 15. My holidays were great! In our holiday we had 5 different swimming pools, many bars, and three restaurants. 16. Philipp, can start, please? Yes of course Fredy, . 17. On rainy afternoon is the beach. 18. Your information was very helpful, . 19. Every year many surfers pass their holiday in this. Its famous for the high waves. 2. Write down the correct word under each picture. Vocabulary Wordlist Unit 4 – Part 2 description region rent out supper cross ones fingers Im the one to ask by the way step by step resort by coach tobogganing go ahead! owner rather special trip Swiss midlands Grison cell phone they are free to decide thanks ever so much tourist information office passport receptionist deserted found shopping mall competition reception desk pet tear GOOD LUCK!!!